Lydia Knopf Ph.D.

Dean, College of Business & Management; Chair, Traditional Undergraduate Program; Assoc. Professor of Business & Management

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Dr. Knopf’s research interests include organizational behavior, culture, identity, commitment, and change, transformational, authentic, spiritual, charismatic, servant, steward, and ethical leadership, entrepreneurship, Romans 12 motivational gifts, and calling.


BUS 1200 Principles of Management
LDR 3100 Leadership Skills
BUS 3310 Organizational Behavior
BUS 3419 Business Ethics Online
BUS 4900 Management Internship
BUS 4901 Business Internship Part 1
BUS 4902 Business Internship Part 2
BUS 5151 Organizational Behavior
BUS 6910 Business and Management Practicum

BUS NEW Entrepreneurship Practicum: Creativity and Innovation

BUS NEW International and Global Social Entrepreneurship


Cross-Cultural Business Administration
Sport Business Management
General Management
Accounting and Finance

Financial Planning



  • Sigma Beta Delta Honors Society
  • IACBE Secondary Accreditation in College of Business and Management
  • International Journal of Society Systems Science (IJSSS)
  • P.E.O. International
  • The Barnabas Group of OC Member
  • School of Business and Leadership, Regent University
  • Crowell School of Business, Biola University (BU)
  • Ruby Women Mentor


  • Faculty Nominated PhD 2012 Cohort Representative at 2nd and 3rd Residency, 2013
  • Approved University Aspirations Proposal Funding for BYA Online Expansion, 2011
  • Recognition from President and Board of Trustees of BU for leadership, 2006
  • Biola University Values Awards, 1998, 2005
  • Graduated with highest honors in M.A. in Organizational Leadership, 2001
  • Who’s Who of American Professionals, 1998
  • NACCAP Hall of Fame Regional Service Award, 1991


  • Knopf, L. R., Stone, G. A., & Winston, B. E. (2017). Profiles of Entrepreneurs: Discriminant and Cluster Analyses of the Romans 12 Motivational Gifts and Locus of Control as Predictors of Entrepreneurs. Journal of Biblical Integration in Business20(2).
  • Knopf, L. R. (2016). Profiles of entrepreneurs: Discriminant and cluster analyses of the Romans 12 motivational gifts and locus of control as predictors of entrepreneurs and a canonical analysis of the Romans 12 motivational gifts and IEO (Doctoral dissertation, Regent University).
  • Character-Based Christological Leadership Unveiled through Sacred Texture Analysis of the Christ Hymn (Philippians 2:5-11), working paper
  • Advertising and Entrepreneurship from a Biblical Perspective: Storytelling and God-Narrative, working paper
  • The Gospel According to Matthew: An Exploration of the Ideological Texture Analysis of Matthew 13:3-23 as it Relates to Advertising Principles, working paper


  • Strategic Leadership, Santiago Canyon College Student Leadership Institute, 2018
  • Dissertation Presentation, School of Education, Biola University, 2016
  • Spiritual Formation of Home Educators Panel Sessions, 2016
  • Live Your Unique Purpose: Biola University T&D Conference, 2013
  • University Weekend Mission Workshop: Consultation with Alumni and Parent Relations.
  • Personal Mission Workshops: The River of OC Women's and Duarte Groups, 2011
  • Enrollment Management Mission Workshop: Biola University EM Division, 2009
  • Stewarding God's Masterpiece: Igniting Kingdom Passion and Calling in Your Children: Co-presenter, Elevated to Excellence, 2008
  • Power Walking with God: Establish or Further Clarify Your Mission, Vision, and Values: Faith in the Marketplace women’s conference sponsored by Saddleback Church, Mariner’s Church, and Marketplace for Women, 2008


I enjoy music, ministry, walking, hiking, biking, soccer, tennis, discipleship, lifelong learning, dining, movies, friends, family fun, mountains, beach, new adventures, and authentic fellowship.


“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Frederick Buechner


Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.” Colossians 4:6, HNV